Name of the Center/Hospital
Number of Radiologists on Staff
If international, please specify the vendor ot the country of origin of the software
If local, please specify the vendor
Image Loading Time
Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Neutral Unsatisfactory Very Unsatisfactory
Comments on image loading time
How well does your current PACS integrate with other systems (e.g., EHR, RIS, LIS)?
Very Well Well Neutral Poorly Very Poorly
Specific integration issues faced:
How would you rate the user interface of your current system?
Very User-Friendly User-Friendly Neutral Difficult to Use Very Difficult to Use
Comments on user interface:
How would you rate the cost-effectiveness of your current system?
Very Cost-Effective Cost-Effective Neutral Expensive Very Expensive
Comments on cost:
Have you experienced any downtime or reliability issues with your current system?
Frequently Occasionally Rarely Never
How often do you experience electricity outages?
Frequently (Daily) Occasionally (Weekly) Rarely (Monthly) Never
How often do you experience internet connectivity issues?
Frequently (Daily) Occasionally (Weekly) Rarely (Monthly) Never
Comments on how these issues impact your PACS usage:
Other features (please specify):
How important is an AI-assisted reporting tool to your practice?
Extremely Important Very Important Moderately Important Slightly Important Not Important
Specific features desired in a reporting tool:
Do you currently use a teleradiology service
Yes No
How important is a patient portal for sharing results with patients?
Extremely Important Very Important Moderately Important Slightly Important Not Important
Comments on patient portal needs:
How long can you save cases in your current PACS system?
Is your current PACS system scalable to handle increasing data volume?
Yes No
If no, please describe the limitations
How do you manage data archiving and retrieval for long-term storage?
Do you use any digital methods for report approval?
Yes No
Describe the workflow for writing and approving radiology reports in your center.
Is there a system for tracking report errors or discrepancies?
Yes No
Additional Feedback
Suggestions for Improvement:
Any additional comments or concerns: